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How does AcceleDent® make orthodontic treatment more efficient? What are lingual braces? Invisalign Teen is designed with today’s youth in mind. These clear, removable orthodontic aligners

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Adults and Braces: Not just for kids anymore What is Damon® Smile?

Drs. Neil Warshawsky and Ketti Boller and our team know most of our patients at Get It Straight Orthodontics would probably welcome the idea of speeding up the time they wear braces. And now they can, thanks to AcceleDent, a treatment option that has been shown to increase tooth alignment by 106 percent and reduce the time you spend wearing braces, anywhere from 38 to 50 percent.

By using this pain-free, simple appliance for 20 minutes a day, you will accelerate your orthodontic treatment time using patented technology that gently vibrates the teeth and surrounding bone, allowing teeth to move more freely and creating an ideal bite faster than with braces alone.

AcceleDent is championed as a safe and comfortable option for patients of all ages. When you first begin wearing the light appliance, you may experience a small tingling sensation, much like that of an electric toothbrush, but it should diminish after you become accustomed to wearing it. You may even forget you’re wearing the appliance!

To learn if the AcceleDent system can help you achieve the dazzling smile you’ve always wanted, please give us a call at our Lake View, Lincolnshire, Hyde Park, or Orland Park office to schedule an appointment with Drs. Neil Warshawsky and Ketti Boller.

PROPEL® Orthodontics: A fast, gentle way to accelerate your orthodontic treatment What is the AcceleDent® System and how can it help you?

Just hearing the word “braces” can take many of us back to junior high — that painful era when we wore unattractive glasses, endured unflattering haircuts, and carried a mouthful of braces to complete the awkward adolescent look. Despite the common assumption that braces are for kids, more and more adults are choosing to pursue orthodontics to correct their smiles.

Braces for Adults

Perhaps you never had braces as a kid and you are embarrassed by your crooked teeth. Or you went through a round of braces a decade ago and stopped wearing your retainer, which allowed your teeth to shift. Whatever your personal history, wearing braces in adulthood is an excellent way to create the straight, beautiful smile you deserve.

What are my options?

With recent advances in orthodontic medicine, there are numerous options for adults who need braces. The basic option is traditional metal braces. These are best for individuals who have severely crooked teeth or a significant bite problem, or require other major orthodontic changes. Metal braces are typically the least expensive option. The greatest drawback to wearing metal braces as an adult is aesthetics. Many people find them unattractive and distracting.

If you are a professional who is worried about your personal appearance, clear ceramic braces may be a better choice. Clear braces are capable of handling very crooked teeth or bite issues, but they cost more than metal braces. You also have to be careful about smoking or drinking red wine, soda, and other dark beverages while wearing clear braces. These items may stain the adhesive that binds the brackets to your teeth.

Another popular option for adults who need braces is a clear aligner treatment, such as Invisalign®. This system works in a different way from traditional braces by applying a series of clear, retainer-like aligners. The series is custom made for your teeth, which makes this option more expensive than either metal or ceramic braces. In general, the Invisalign process takes anywhere from three to 18 months to complete. You should be aware that Invisalign is not as effective as traditional braces in treating bite problems, teeth that are lower or higher than others, or severely overcrowded teeth.

Although you may be nervous about the prospect of getting braces as an adult, you should not let your fears stop you from talking with Drs. Neil Warshawsky and Ketti Boller. A consultation at our Lake View, Lincolnshire, Hyde Park, or Orland Park office will address your concerns and provide information about the best course of treatment for you. No matter what your personal situation, adult braces can be a great way to boost your confidence and create the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

What if I miss an appointment over the summer? Adults and Braces: Not just for kids anymore

Get It Straight Orthodontics is dedicated to staying on the cutting-edge of orthodontic treatment technology, and we’re always on the lookout for treatments that can improve your overall orthodontic experience.

Drs. Neil Warshawsky, Ketti Boller, and our team are excited to offer our patients accelerated orthodontic treatment with PROPEL Orthodontics! If you’re interested in improving the aesthetics of your smile, but are put off by the thought of having to spend months, or even years, in braces, PROPEL could be right for you. This state-of-the-art technology speeds up tooth movement, and while each patient varies, many patients can now have their orthodontic treatment completed in less than a year.

So, how does PROPEL work?

PROPEL works with your own biology by stimulating the bone surrounding your teeth, helping the teeth to move faster and more predictably into their ideal position. This allows you to see your new smile faster and requires fewer visits to our office. PROPEL is effective and safe to use with clear aligner orthodontics and traditional braces.

Would you like to propel your orthodontic treatment? Contact Get It Straight Orthodontics to schedule a consultation with Dr. Neil or Dr. Ketti today!

How does wisdom tooth removal affect orthodontic care? PROPEL® Orthodontics: A fast, gentle way to accelerate your orthodontic treatment

If you are planning on taking a vacation this summer, we ask that you let us know ahead of time so that we may schedule your summer appointments more efficiently. We also encourage patients and their parents to be proactive in determining when they make their summer appointments.

If you will be gone for an extended period (more than six weeks), we recommend you visit Get It Straight Orthodontics prior to leaving and schedule another visit shortly after your return. Lastly, please remember not to indulge in hard, sticky, and chewy treats while enjoying your vacation. We look forward to seeing you soon and hearing about your adventures!